Travel Insurance

It is important to consider your options for medical insurance while travelling as medical treatment abroad can be very expensive.

Review insurance policy

Review your policy to see if it covers emergency room visits, doctor’s appointments, prescription medications (in case you require more or your luggage is lost), and other services that you may need.

Existing policies from your work or credit card are unlikely to cover expenses related to your ongoing condition, but you may be able to add this for an additional cost.

Details like your age, destination, length of stay, and medical conditions can impact your premium.

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Finding a plan

You may find it more difficult to find a plan that covers your IBD symptoms, especially if you recently had surgery, been admitted into the hospital, or are awaiting test results – but coverage is non-negotiable – and you will want to be sure to advise them of your health condition. Some insurance companies may want to check with your doctor to ensure you are fit to travel.

It is common to be charged a premium for a medical condition, so shop around. Read the policy thoroughly and take relevant documents with you. Know the generic names and brand names of all your prescriptions. If you do require a refill while travelling, the brand name may be different.

Remember to keep all of your receipts if you required healthcare services while abroad.

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